Dear Zion Members and Friends,
This Wednesday you are invited to attend the 12:10pm WOW (Worship On Wednesday) Service online or by phone. Worship begins at 12:10pm after a brief time for accepting prayer requests and updates. I am requesting that your audio function on the computer or phone be muted, to avoid background noise. We continue to work on recording the services, and remaining “muted” helps us to have a cleaner recording which we can post on the website. There is also an option to “mute” your video, if you would prefer not to share your image with the group online. The information to join via Zoom is below. We are intentionally including the Meeting ID and Passcode. Often both are required to join the service. Please click or call before 12:10pm.
3/12/2025 - Lent 1 Bulletin (PDF)
You can access all previous sermon series on the
Devotional Resource page.
Please check that you have an up-to-date version of Zoom to be able to attend worship. If you have trouble attending on Wednesday, please email the church office: We will try to provide assistance.
The peace and love of Christ be with us all.
Pastor Karin
Zion WOW Worship on Wednesday is now set-up as a recurring Zoom meeting. The information below should remain the same for future WOW services. We will continue to email a reminder with an attached bulleting and invitation. The information will also be available on Zion’s website.
If you are joining via the internet, please click the link below:
Zion Lutheran Harrisburg is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Zion WOW Worship On Wednesday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 895 4667 5525
Passcode: 849793
Dial 1 646 558 8656 and enter the Meeting ID and the Password when prompted. The numbers are listed below:
Meeting ID: 895 4667 5525
Passcode: 849793
Alternatively, if you are on a mobile phone, you can click or copy/paste the following characters into your phone app and it will dial all the numbers for you (commas represent a 3 second pause).
One tap mobile
US (New York)
Option to program weekly meeting
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.