Missions & Ministries


At Zion, we support several Missionaries with on-going efforts around the globe.

We support representatives from TWR.  They visited  and gave a presentation during Sunday School and a Mission Moment during Worship.  You can watch the Mission Moment on YouTube here.

Ruth Cheng December 2024 - Ruth's Mission Moment about Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child
6/23/2024 - Ruth joined us for a presentation during Sunday School (available on her YouTube page) and a wonderful sermon (watch on Zion's YouTube page.)
11/6/2022 -  Ruth recently did a presentation at St. Mark's which you can watch on YouTube here.

Around the building....

4/2/2024: Pastor Derrick James & Agape Ministries was featured in the "Beyond the Bars" series on Fox43. Watch the Fox43 story on YouTube.

12/24/2021:  Reggie and Nehemiah were on abc27 news spotlighting their ministry handing out food and goods to the homeless.  You can watch and read the story on the abc27 website here.



Worship at Bethesda Mission Men’s Shelter on 2nd Sundays at 7:00pm

Pastor Karin Pejack Leading Worship at Bethesda Mission Mens Shelter
Pastor Karin and Todd Pejack and volunteers from Zion and St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Camp Hill bring a monthly worship service of Holy Communion to the Men’s Shelter.  This outreach ministry resumed in August 2021.  Adjustments in conducting the service have been in made and safety protocols are in place for the protection of clients and volunteers. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Pastor Karin or Todd.
Worship at Bethesda Mission Men's Shelter continues the second Sunday every month. Worship starts at 7pm.

Food Bank Ministry

Throughout the year the members of Zion collect food for the Ecumenical Food Pantry.  Also, this year the confirmation class had the privilege of volunteering at the Central Pa Food Bank. We are hoping to schedule another time at the food bank before the end 2016.

Clothing Ministry

Zion supports Salem UCC's Clothing Ministry.  They service families in the downtown Harrisburg community.  There is always a need for sheets, pillows and clothing for youth (birth through sixth grade).  You can drop your items off in the clothing bin located in Fellowship Hall. 

Outside the Gates Sidewalk Ministry

 Outside the Gates Ministry
Many souls walk past the doors of Zion—some may feel indifferent toward Christ, others may feel unwelcomed, others may feel ashamed and beyond redemption, and still others may hold animosity toward the Church.  Yet the people of God are called to go forth and spread the Good News that in Jesus there is healing, forgiveness, regeneration and eternal life ( Hebrews 13:12-16).  During seasonable weather, volunteers add a welcoming and prayerful presence in the front of the church building on Sunday mornings.  Bibles, daily devotionals and cold water are offered to  those who are journeying on 4th Street.  Some travelers just may want to talk or have prayer offered for them.  This ministry is an opportunity to share the faith with those outside of the gates.

Operation Christmas Child "Shoebox" Ministry

Table full of approximately 166 red and green operation Christmas child shoeboxesMembers and friends of Zion collect items for the shoebox ministry by Samaritans Purse. The boxes are packed with joy in our hearts and prayers for the children as we assemble each one. Not only do the boxes contain toys, school supplies, accessories, crafts, but also the good news of Jesus Christ. Lots of joy is spread to the children who receive the boxes.
Your support of this ministry has allowed us to pack more and more boxes each year.
2019 52 Shoeboxes
2020 73 Shoeboxes
2021 88 Shoeboxes
2022 112 Shoeboxes
2023 166 Shoeboxes!!
2024 230 Shoeboxes!!!!

God is GOOD!   Watch the dedication of the shoeboxes from 2023 on YouTube

Watch Ruth Cheng's video about distributing shoeboxes in Romania. (Christmas 2023)

Samaritans Purse - 2023 Special Report