2025 Lenten Evening Prayer

2025 Lent & Holy Week Evening Prayer Service for individuals & small groups

"The cheif purpose for the practice of daily prayer is for the sanctification and marking of time."  We invite you to join us in taking up an Evening Prayer practice throughout the season of Lent and Holy Week.  We are providing 2 videos to support this practice, an introduction video and a video of the service. The introduction video covers some technical aspects of the service as well as a bit of a history of Evening Prayer.  The second video is the Evening Prayer Service allowing you to get started right away.  

Introduction to Evening Prayer (YouTube)
Evening Prayer Service (YouTube)

We have provided a bulletin as a PDF to view on your device or print which includes scripture readings for each day of Lent/Holy Week.

Bulletin for Evening Prayer Service (PDF)

Online resources for scripture reading:


BibleGateway.com Apps (apple & android apps available)