WOW (Worship On Wednesday): SPECIAL FALL SERIES
“KNEELING WITH GIANTS – Learning to Pray with History’s Best Teachers”
Based on the book of the same name by Gary Neal Hansen
September 13 – November 15, 2023
12:10–12:35pm Service of Word and Prayer; Service of Holy Communion on 1st Wednesday of the month
12:35-1:00pm Lunch Fellowship
Each week, the service will include Scripture reading(s) and a reflection on prayer from a Church Father or Mother. There will be a weekly resource sheet providing information about the prayer discipline outlined in the homily (available on site and on the website).
Tuesday Oct. 10 & Nov. 14 12:10pm Online Group Discussions (online only)
On the 2nd Tuesdays in October & November, there will be an opportunity to talk about the prayer methods and to share about experiences of engaging in these disciplines.
All videos in the series are available in this YouTube Playlist
09/13/2023 - Praying with St. Benedict
Watch the recorded video on YouTube
09/13/2023 - Bulletin and Prayer Resources (PDF)
Additional Resources:
Luther's Small Catechism Online - Daily Prayers
Hymn - Lord of All Hopefulness - Each verse addresses a period of the day
09/20/2023 - Praying with Martin Luther
Watch the recorded video on YouTube
09/20/2023 - Bulletin and Prayer Resources (PDF)
Additional Resources:
Luther's Small Catechism
09/27/2023 - Praying with The Pilgrim: The Jesus Prayer
Watch the recorded video on YouTube
09/27/2023 - Bulletin and Prayer Resources (PDF)
10/04/2023 - Praying with John Calvin
Watch the recorded video on YouTube
10/04/2023 - Bulletin and Prayer Resources (PDF)
10/11/2023 - Praying with Ignatius of Loyola: The Prayer of the Senses
Watch the recorded video on YouTube
10/11/2023 - Bulletin and Prayer Resources (PDF)
Additional Resources:
Ten Commandments Handout (PDF)
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises
10/18/2023 - Praying with St. Teresa of Avila: Recollection of the Presence of God
Watch the recorded video on YouTube
10/18/2023 - Bulletin and Prayer Resources (PDF)
Additional Resources:
Biography of St. Teresa of Avila on Wikipedia
The Way of Perfection, available in various formats to read/listen to for free

This is the oldest known icon of Christ Pantocrator, encaustic on panel (Saint Catherine's Monastery). The two different facial expressions on either side may emphasize Christ's two natures as fully God and fully human.
10/25/2023 - Praying with the Puritans
Watch the recorded video on YouTube
10/25/2023 - Bulletin and Prayer Resources (PDF)
11/01/2023 - Praying with The Cloud of Unknowing: Contemplation in the Dark
Watch the recorded video on YouTube
11/01/2023 - Bulletin and Prayer Resources (PDF)
11/08/2023 - Praying with Agnes Sanford: The Healing Light
Watch the recorded video on YouTube
11/8/2023 - Bulletin and Prayer Resources (PDF)
Additional Resources:
Biography of Agnes Sanford on Wikipedia
11/15/2023 - Praying with Andrew Murray: The Ministry of Intercession
Watch the recorded video on YouTube
11/15/2023 - Bulletin and Prayer Resources (PDF)
Additional Resources:
Biography of Andrew Murray on Wikipedia